Make a Difference
To the life of a child in Cambodia
Thank you for choosing to support YourAid.
Every dollar assists YourAid in delivering much needed help to improve the lives of particularly children in Cambodia. When you give, you are helping end the cycle of poverty.
Your donation is being made to Asia Aid Limited(ABN: 77 607 186 210), trading as YourAid. All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia.
You can donate quickly and securely online by using the Donate button below. We accept VISA and MasterCard.
If you wish to make your donation through Direct Deposit, our bank details are as follows.
Account Name : Asia Aid Limited
Bank : ANZ Bank
BSB : 012 172
Account Number: 328456845
Please include your name in the payee reference box and email us at in info@youraid.org.au with your contact details for your tax-deductible receipt. After completing your donation you will shortly receive an email confirmation. A printed receipt will be posted to you for your record.
The impact of your donation
USD15 (AUD20)
Books for our mobile library
USD35 (AUD55)
Eye glasses for a student
USD55 (AUD90)
Bicycle for a child to get to school
USD100 (AUD160)
Dental care for 5 children
USD250 (AUD400)
Part fund a school water filter
USD750 (AUD1,200)
Fully fund a school water filter
Larger sums of contribution will also be welcomed as we undertake larger scale projects at higher costs including school building facilities, home rebuilding and water purification systems.