Our dental services involve providing treatment, preventive care and early childhood intervention for oral health.
Our Dental and Mobile Clinics
Dental Treatment: This service is provided free to school children in three of our dental clinics, each located in Kampot, Kampong Speu and Takeo and through a mobile clinic which makes regular school visits to more remote areas. Each dental clinic is housed in an equipped centre manned by a team led by a qualified dentist. Free transport is given to children in schools to visit the clinics. The clinics provide dental treatments including scaling, extraction, restoration, root canal treatment and medication to nearly 2,000 children every month.
The first mobile clinic started in early 2011 and has continued until now. The mobile dental clinic is targeted at schools which are far away from our base clinics and it is operated once a month for five days.
Prevention: We provide Oral Health Education (OHE) to children at the clinics and at outreach schools to enhance awareness of oral health among students and teachers. Proper dental care advice and instructions including tooth brushing sessions are conducted along with the distribution of dental care kits.
Support for early childhood dental care for children under 3 years old is made through a joint collaboration with the Cambodian Ministry of Health and local health centres. The service known as Cambodia Smile Intervention (CSI) involves the application of fluoride varnish and educating parents on dental care and hygiene. We facilitate training for local health centre staff on oral health care for early childhood and provide dental kits including micro brush and toothpaste to children.