Trial Water Purifiers..
We have achieved our first milestone in a new initiative for 2020 to bring safe drinking to the children with the successful installation of three trial water purifying systems (WPS) in three schools. The WPS is connected to our water tanks which store rainwater harvested from the roof of school buildings. Each WPS consists of a water pump and ultra purifier that is contained in a secured specially built cabinet. The ultra filtration water purifier which we are testing is able to filter out both organic and heavy metal micro contaminants. We aim to achieve both World Health Organisation and Cambodia national standards for drinking water.
Sanitation Facility Construction
Four hand washing facilities of new design were built at four schools in Batie district and Takeo province. Each handwash facility is undertaken on a cost sharing basis with BLCP paying for materials and each school contributing labour cost. We believe that such a co-contribution approach is necessary in order not to encourage dependency and to create equity for the school stakeholders to keep the facilities well maintained.
New Classroom Construction
Recently, we have successfully undertaken the construction of a new two classroom project in a village located about 25 kms out of Kampot town. The classroom which is constructed of prefabricated metal sheets is our first venture to use an alternative mode of classroom construction and new materials from the traditional brick and mortar which is both time consuming and more costly. The classrooms were built in two weeks with cost savings of about 40% from the conventional construction approach. The monies saved would go towards funding the construction of larger improved toilets with gender separation and attached handwash facilities in the same school under the Model School Concept.
Family Assist
This program was initiated as an emergency aid in light of the Covid epidemic which has seen many villagers facing hardship. Several people especially the old have been affected by deteriorating economic conditions and had relied on income from relatives who were previously working in factories but have become unemployed due to factory closures. LUFF Foundation, the private family trust of a caring donor is the primary funder for this program which involves the distribution of food, toiletries and school materials to vulnerable families in the provinces of Kampot, Kampong Spieu and Takeo. Since commencement of the program in June 2020, over 750 families or about 2,500 people have benefited from this compassionate distribution.