Implement Your Project With Youraid
For more than 10 years, YourAid has been serving Cambodian children who need assistance in health care and education and giving them the opportunity to stand out on their own in the future. In that time, we have joined together with individuals, groups, and organizations in Australia who are committed to standing alongside the poor to tackle poverty. Club Karuna, CLUB 500, Dr. Serge Bodlander, Dr. Tony Cruickshank and One Child Group (Anna Idzikovska group) are a few to be named.
In 2018, Club KARUNA has raised funds for classrooms for 2 remote schools at a cost of over US$40,000. Youraid completed the constructions of one of the buildings and handed it over to the school. The construction of the 3-classroom building will start soon.
Jasmine Derbidge of CLUB500 has been supporting BLCP education projects, especially our mobile libraries in the last 3 years. Club 500 has completed wash and tooth brushing facilities at remote schools, building a preschool in a remote province, mobile computer classes, new houses for poor families, reading glasses for students, and their yearly Christmas Bike and Food Package.
The One Child Group (Anna Idzekovska group) has been running mobile computer classes in outreach schools since 2017. The project gets support from their donors to support the salary of the teacher and to pay for the fuel for the motorcycle. All the laptops are donations by various Australian donors.
Youraid along with Buddhist Library Cambodia Project facilitated implementation of all these projects and continuing.
How can you engage?
The Cambodian Ministry of Education is rolling out a programme to provide hand washing facilities for the schools in Cambodia. Even before this initiative by the government, BLCP has been building hand washing facilities for schools along with the water tanks. If your organization is interested in supporting this programme, we would like to hear from you. The cost of the hand washing facility is approximately $900 and you can fund 50% of the cost as the balance will be contributed by the school’s Parent Teacher Association in the form of labor.
If your organization has a project in mind that directly helps primary and secondary school children on education or health, or would like to start a mobile computer class, please email us. This should be a long-term commitment for at least for 2 years.
Your organization can donate a school building or school library to an outreach school.
What happens after you make your request?
Youraid will assign your project to the BLCP and all the details, location, cost and the implementation plan will be communicated to you. If it is a construction of a building, library or a handwashing facility, the plaque will include the name of your organization.
If the project is of a complicated nature, you will have to provide guidelines to us and it will be implemented appropriately.
All your monetary contributions will be accepted with a receipt which is tax deductible in Australia.
Youraid pays for administration costs and all your donations go to your own project in Cambodia.
Please email all your inquiries to