The availability of water supply enables sanitation facilities in the form of toilets and handwash stations to be built in schools. We have found such facilities to be inadequate in schools based on the number of students enrolled with no gender separation provided for.
While in the past we assisted in the funding of small toilets with the schools being responsible for construction, recently, we have taken on a new approach of building larger gender separated toilets based on new more modern designs and efficient layout. We now take responsibility in awarding the contracts and supervising the construction. We have also added handwash facilities together with the new toilets.
Handwash and Incinerator
For hygiene, we take cognizant of the school external environment and place emphasis on cleanliness including proper waste disposal. This is especially so because there are no or very limited waste collection services particularly in outlying areas. We assess the facility needs of schools including the proper location of incinerators in the school compound. Our approach to waste management and environmental care is holistic as we encourage students to adopt the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle).
We have redesigned and standardised the construction of handwash facilities in schools. In addition for hygiene, such facilities are used to educate children on oral health, in particular, the correct method to brush their teeth.
We have standardised the design of incinerators and trained the local contractors to build incinerators in schools. We supervise the proper construction and on completion guide the school staff on the responsible usage of the incinerator.