Severe Drought in Cambodia Our Water Tanks For Assistance

This year, monsoon rain has been very late, except for a few pockets in the areas close to the coast. But water in our tanks has survived for over 4 months for our children to consume.

Our tank building is continuing with your support and in April we built our 106th big water tank at the 1113th location in Takeo province. With this new addition, we have built water tanks in 881 schools where some schools got water tanks in more than one location with the increase in the number of students.

The prolonged drought in Cambodia resulted in a severe shortage of electricity. Large parts of Cambodia have had to endure hours of power shortages as the electricity providers were unable to meet the demand. Our new dental clinic in Takeo was hard hit due to electricity cuts and BLCP is planning to instal a generator for the smooth functioning of the clinic.


The Monsoon Returns


“It was an enriching experience and I would love to return back one day.” -Dentist Upekha from Sydney