Kind Contribution..
Notwithstanding that it has been a tumultuous year for many, we remain steadfast in our work for the people, especially the children of Cambodia.
We Continued to Support Teachings
We entered the new year with a feeling of great optimism and enthusiasm considering how 2020 turned out with schools being suspended for more than 6 months.
Projects supported by You(!) in Q4 of 2021
Notwithstanding that it has been a tumultuous year for many, we remain steadfast in our work for the people, and especially the children of Cambodia.
Trial Water Purifiers..
We have some good news in the midst of the Covid epidemic! In the last quarter, schools have reopened in Cambodia after having been suspended for almost half a year.
1st Anniversary of Paget Sayers – the Founder of Youraid and Buddhist Library Cambodia Project
It has been one year since the passing of Paget Sayers. A memorial service was held at the BLCP office in Cambodia with the participation of the staff.
Training Session for English Teachers
BLCP conducts a quarterly meeting with all the English Teachers in which achievements and the challenges encountered by them are discussed. The meeting is also a platform for training of the teachers.
Cambodia Smile Dental Project has Treated 1427 Children in 2 Months
The Cambodia Smile project to reduce the prevalence of dental caries in children of the age group of 0-3 years has treated 1427 children in the first 2 months of implementation.
The Monsoon Returns
The monsoon rain has arrived filling the water tanks we have built in each of the 915 schools.
Severe Drought in Cambodia Our Water Tanks For Assistance
This year, monsoon rain has been very late, except for a few pockets in the areas close to the coast. But water in our tanks has survived for over 4 months for our children to consume.
“It was an enriching experience and I would love to return back one day.” -Dentist Upekha from Sydney
YourAid and BLCP would like to express their sincere gratitude to dentist Upekha Chandrawansa, for volunteering at BLCP Dental Clinic for Children
Cambodia Smile Dental Project to Reduce the Prevalence of Dental Caries Launched in Kampot
The Cambodia Smile project to reduce the prevalence of dental caries on children of the age group of 0-3 years has been launched.
BLCP Celebrates World Oral Health Day 2019
On 19th March 2019, BLCP Dental Clinics for Children in the three provinces – Kampot, Takeo and Kampong Speu celebrated the World Oral Health Day.
Paget’s Ashes Interred In Cambodia
On the 28th of February, 2019, BLCP Management Team and Staff in Kampot Province celebrated a Buddhist Ceremony for the late Paget Sayers, BLCP Founder.
Annual Inter-School Debating Competition 2019
On the 28th of February, BLCP had their annual debating competition with the teams from Kep Gardens Association.
Another Government School Gets a New 3 Classroom Building
Thanks to Australian donors, a brand new 3 classroom building is under construction at the Steung Keo Secondary School in Steung Keo commune
A Group of Australian Dental Students Volunteers at Our Clinics
A group of dental students from Griffith University Australia volunteered at our clinics for over two weeks.
Implement Your Project With Youraid
For more than 10 years, YourAid has been serving Cambodian children who need assistance in health care and education and giving them the opportunity to stand out on their own in the future.
Memorial Puja for Paget
The memorial puja for the late Mr. Paget Sayers was held on 20th October at the Buddhist Library with the participation of Buddhist clergy, staff and many of Paget’s friends.